This Second Sunday, Grand Stafford Theater presents Wadjda, Saudi Arabian-German film that won numerous awards and nominations, including nominations for both Best Foreign Language Film at the 8th Academy Awards and Best Foreign Film at the 2014 BAFTA Awards.
The film also has an impressive 99% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is a hard feat for any film to achieve.
Interested in knowing more? Here’s the plot summary from Rotten Tomatoes:
“WADJDA is a movie of firsts. This first feature film shot entirely in Saudi Arabia is the story of a young girl living in a suburb of Riyadh determined to raise enough money to buy a bike in a society that sees bicycles as dangerous to a girl’s virtue. Even more impressive, WADJDA is the first feature film made by a female Saudi filmmaker. In a country where cinemas are banned and women cannot drive or vote, writer- director Haifaa Al Mansour has broken many barriers with her new film.”
Second Sunday Foreign Film is this Sunday, September 13 at 3:30 pm with doors opening at 3:00 pm. As always, we will be serving up drinks and providing free popcorn!